Sunday, July 31, 2016

BPOE No. 2348 (Liverpool, NY) 50th Anniversary

Liverpool Elks Lodge No. 2348 celebrated their 50th Anniversary weekend.  NYS Elks Association President Bill Reedy Jr. spent the weekend filled with history.  Charter Inner Guard Charles Vaccaro, PER and Charter 5 Year Trustee Gerald Foster assisted Exalter Ruler Julie Keenan and State President Reedy Jr. in the dedication of a stone to be placed in the Lodges Flag Memorial.  The stone is in memory of the Founding Members of the lodge.

In April of 1966 a petition for a Charter was forwarded to the Grand Lodge along with a list of officers who were to become the Charter Officers.
Liverpool Lodge No. 2348 was granted a dispensation and was instituted on Sunday, June 12, 1966. Our Charter was granted on August 29, 1966.

Submitted by BPOE No. 2348  2016_06_14

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