Sunday, October 4, 2015

BPOE No. 2348 (Liverpool, NY) Hosted Veterans Summer Picnic (2015-10-LIV-2)

Liverpool Elks No. 2348 hosted Veterans from the Syracuse VA Hospital for an end of summer picnic.  The day's weather was beautiful and there was enough food for an army.  Our veterans enjoyed grill cooked quarter pound burgers, Hoffman hot dogs, chicken, and kielbasa with sauerkraut!  Also available was homemade macaroni salad, coleslaw, baked beans, fresh fruit, and salt potatoes.  Topping their bellies was a homemade marble cake with butter cream frosting.  They were then given the opportunity to pick from a multi-color stack of hats bearing their favorite college sports logo--SU!

(Submitted October 2, 2015 by BPOE No. 2348, Liverpool)  2 pts

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