Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Camillus Lodge Donation

 Camillus Elks Lodge #31 made a $500 donation as part of their Gratitude Grant to the Samaritan Center Basic Needs Closet. The Samaritan Center twice a week operates a basic need closet where guests are able to select items they most need, such as soap, toothpaste, and deodorant. Pictured is PDDGER Tom Kanaley with Director of the Center, Mary Beth Frey. Camillus Elks Lodge #31 continues to give back to the community.

Camillus Lodge Best Float

 Camillus Elks Lodge #31 received a plaque for Best Float in the Camillus Memorial Day Parade. They also received a $400 check along with their award. Pictured is Exalted Ruler Linda Belelfeuille with Joseph Flynn from the Town of Camillus as she accepts the award on behalf of the lodge.

Fulton Lodge Donation

 The Bpoe Fulton NY Elks recently made a $250 donation to the Fulton Pop Warner football, cheer and dance program. Pictured in the front row are Matt Bouchard, Brandy Smart, Pop Warner Treasurer and Madison Reynolds. Seated in the second row are Jeremy Smart, Pop Warner V.P. and Richard Nicholas. Standing presenting the donation are Charlie Diefenbacher, Fulton Elks Leading Knight and Eric Prusinowski, Fulton Pop Warner President.

Rome Elks Lodge

 Rome Elks Lodge Porch Party

Camillus Lodge Donation

 Camillus Elks Lodge #31 made a $500 donation to the Camillus Town Shop. The Town Shop has always been a place for teens to gather, grow, and express themselves. They provide a consistent, sustained, and rich array of the ingredients and inputs that are essential for positive youth development for Camillus teens. Pictured is PDDGER Tom Kanaley with Director Debra Ancilloti with Assistant Director Harrison Rein.

Liverpool New Members

 Liverpool Lodge Welcomes 10 new members 

Pictured back row left to right:

John Kavanagh, Jim Cherko, Pat Ehle, Tom Honors, and ER Jaime

Pictured front row front left to right:

Michael Saranceni, Daniel Doyle, Gail Bell, Maureen Hurley, Annette Chairvolotti and Mary Ann Pitre

Fulton Elks Donation

 The Bpoe Fulton NY Elks recently made a donation of $250.00 to the Fulton Knee High Basketball Program.  Pictured receiving the donation check is Coach Sean Broderick and Fulton Elks Leading Knight Charlie Diefenbacher.  Fulton Elks supports our youth sports programs!

Liverpool Lodge Veterans Lunch

 Liverpool Elks had the honor of having some vets from the VA out to the lodge on 7/12 for fishing and a picnic lunch.  This is the first time they’ve been out since Covid.   A great time was had by all.   Thanks go out to the many volunteers from the lodge, the staff at the VA and the Seneca River Fire Department


Auburn Elks Lodge Donation

 With hot temperatures in the forecast the Auburn Elks Lodge 474 Exalted Ruler John Chick PER donated 6 cases of water to the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office 

John is pictured with Undersheriff Stuart Peenstra .