Thursday, August 19, 2021

Oswego Lodge Family Picnic

 Oswego Elks Lodge annual picnic was held this past Sunday.

A great time was had by all. They always welcome new members.

photos by Sandy Pospesel Swiech

Camillus Lodge Donation

 PER Joyce Bunce and Secretary Michelle Hickey make a donation to the Samaritan Center on behalf of CNY Concessions and the Camillus Lodge.

Camillus Lodge food donation

 Camillus Lodge Elk of the Year and Lodge Steward Bob McIntyre makes a donation on behalf of the lodge  to Jean and Roy Whipple of the United Methodist Church of Camillus. The Camillus Elks Lodge has been helping out the Church for over ten years with their brown bag lunch program. Thank you to everyone that donated to such an amazing organization and assisted with the lodge's motto of giving back to the community.

Veterans Parade Info

 The Veterans Parade & Expo is back this year!

The Ontario District will again participate with the District Float! If you would like to march or ride on the float during the parade contact Sheila O'connor.

The District will also have a table inside the building this year. If you would like to volunteer a couple hours hand out info & talk about the Elks please contact Dave Merriam. 

Don’t miss out on the great event.

As always, thank a Vet today!

Liverpool Lodge Boy Scouts

 Liverpool Elks Lodge #2348 ER Phil Spenser and PDD Robert McCallum welcomed Boy Scout Troop 840 from Stafford Virginia to their lodge.  The Scout troop was traveling from Stafford Virginia to Massawpie Scout Camp in Tupper Lake, NY.  They spent the night camping out in the Banquet Hall of the Lodge. They visited Heid’s of Liverpool and Vicky’s Tasty Treats, two well know local establishments.  The Lodge treated them to breakfast pizzas, muffins, OJ and milk before they left the next morning for the remainder of their trip to Tupper Lake. It was an honor to assist these young men and their adult leaders on their journey.

Camillus Lodge Ronald McDonald House

 The Camillus Elks Lodge held a Chicken BBQ on July 25th to benefit the Central New York Ronald McDonald House Charities for their Christmas in July fundraiser. With the help from Craft Creations and Direct Sales of CNY , the Camillus Elks lodge 2367 members, Past Exalted Rulers and Elks Auxiliary, we were able to fulfill their Wish List. We donated $1000 worth of items and gift cards. Our lodge has been active in our community for over 50 years. Elks Care Elks Share. 

Pictured are Don Beaudry, Debbie Morrell, Jen Andrews, Jeannette Carter, and Diane Daniels.

Oswego Lodge Spotlight Grant

Oswego Elks Lodge recently received a $2,000 Spotlight Grant from the Elks National Foundation. The grant is used to shine a light on issues facing local communities. This year, the Oswego Elks have used the grant monies to purchase food for the nutritional services program at Oswego County Opportunities. 

Eighteen volunteers gathered at the Oswego Elks Lodge to fill 500 bags of food that will be distributed to residents across Oswego County. Volunteers include Bill and Mary Kerfien who shopped for the food. Oswego County Opportunities will also be purchasing fresh meat products from Davis Meats with monies from the grant.

Camillus Lodge Awards

 Camillus Elks Lodge 2367 recognized many individuals in their community tonight at their monthly lodge meeting. New York State Association Scholarship recipient Victoria Holzhauer is pictured with Exalted Ruler Jay Mason as she receives her certificate and American flag pin for her accomplishments. 

Officer Thomas Skardinski and Detective Anthony Gucciardi of the Camillus Police Department  along with Exalted Ruler Jay Mason received medals for their service giving back to the community along with a Certificate of Service and an American Flag pin. 

Thanks for all you do for the Community. Elks Care Elks Share.

Oswego Donation Kristina’s House

 Oswego Elks donated $ 1000.00 to Kristina's House Of Hope to purchase a utility shed to store bikes and over flow items of the tenants while there. Kristina's House of Hope located in Oswego is dedicated to provide immediate assistance to displaced /homeless women who are struggling with drug / alcohol dependence . the photo includes Vickie Rowe ( ER ) , Carol Lamson (President of Ladies Aux ), Shelly Spaziano ( founder of Kristinas House Of Hope ) and Carol Dillabough ( PDDGER )

Oswego Camp Bristol Donation

 Camp Bristol will be holding their inaugural Wounded Warrior Campfest August 19-22. This $500 donation from Oswego Lodge will go toward helping a group of warriors and their spouses to enjoy a fun and relaxing weekend in the quiet space of the camp.

Pictured are Jen Longley, Camp Bristol Board of Directors, Exalted Ruler Vickie Rowe and Dan Capella, PSP, Camp Bristol Board of Directors.

Ontario District Picnic Info


2022 Most Valuable Student


Ontario District Camp Bristol Donation

 The Ontario District PDD Association has made a donation to the inaugural Campfest, taking place August 19-22 at Camp Bristol. The $100 donation will go toward helping to provide a fun and relaxing weekend for Wounded Warriors and their spouses. Thank You

Fulton Camp Bristol Donation

 The Fulton Elks Lodge #830 has made a $500.00 donation to Camp Bristol for their inaugural Campfest taking place August 19-22.  These funds  will go toward helping to provide a fun and relaxing weekend for Wounded Warriors and their spouses.  Pictured presenting the donation are Fulton Lodge PER Joyce Coady,  PSP Daniel Capella, and ER Ryan Wallace.

Fulton New Members

 Fulton, NY Elks Lodge #830 welcomed 4 new Members. Pictured are new members  Stephanie Greeno, Ken Bartlett,  Shannele Porter and Laura Ferguson with Sponors Dawn Gibbs, Holly Carpenter and Mary Simmons.

Bottom photo is new members and installing officers. Chaplain Marlene, Leading Knight Chris Scoville, Inner Guard Toni Steven, PER Joyce Coady, Tiler Elsie Tucci and Loyal Knight PER Dave Ormsby