Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Oswego Lodge Ladies Auxilary Awards 50 years

At a recent Public Service Awards Banquet held at Oswego Elks Lodge # 271 Barbara Capella was recognized for 50 years of membership in the Ladies Auxilary. Pictured are Barbara Capella with Ladies Auxilary President Kathy Summers.

Oswego Lodge 271 National Foundation Grant

Oswego Elks Lodge #271 recently donated $2000 received from an Elks National Foundation Grant to buy diapers, formula and other items to fill the needs of babies and donated to Oswego Opportunities, OPTIONS program.  This program works with pregnant and parenting teens and adults and their families to improve the health of mom and babies. This gift is a gift of hope, helping OCO continue to respond to the need of people in our community.  They provide management services that include education, advocacy, and support for women and their families before, during, and after pregnancy.