Saturday, August 29, 2015

BPOE No. 271 (Oswego, NY) Jack Haynes Golf Tournament (2015-08-2)

Oswego Elks No. 271 recently held their annual Jack Haynes Golf Tournament.  There were 18 teams participating in the tournament which raised $ 3,000.00 for Elks National Foundation. The golfers enjoyed a steak dinner after an enjoyable day on the golf course.

From Left to Right: Chairman Bill Chorley, John Viele, Matt   LaValley, Jon LaValley, Dave Kiemle, and Oswego Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Jim Oldenburg

(Submitted by BPOE No. 271, 08/25/2015) 2 pts.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

HOMECOMING FOR PSVP “just Kenny” H. KENNETH RICHARDS (Liverpool, NY) Will Be Held On August the 29th, 2015 (2015-08-1)

HOMECOMING FOR PSVP “just Kenny” H. KENNETH RICHARDS Ken has completed his 2014-2015 term as the Ontario District New York State Vice President representing the New York State Elks Association. It is tradition that the Lodge, Liverpool No. 2348, welcome him back with a “Homecoming”. 

On August the 29th, a Saturday, we will have a celebration to do exactly that here at the Liverpool Elks. There will be a cash bar in the banquet room prior to the 6:30 pm summertime Bar-B-Q Chicken Dinner w/ salt potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans, corn on the cob and dessert. 

This is a district event and is open to all from our Lodge as well as other Lodges and Ken’s family and friends. Casual dress please. There will be a few speakers regaling us with his accomplishments and hopefully include some humor as well. 

If you are interested in attending you must reserve space by calling or e-mailing me at 452- 0306(h) or 425-7111(w) or e-mailing me @ or There will also be a sign-up sheet in the bar area. The cost of the dinner will be $10.00 and reservations must be made no later than 8/21. If you would like to speak please indicate so when making your reservations. 

Addition: Reservations may be made through the end of the District Clambake this Saturday (8/22) at the Liverpool Elks or by using my contact info on the flyer.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.

(Submitted by L. Ireland, BPOE No. 2348) 1 pt. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

ONTARIO DISTRICT GOLF TOURNAMENT, Sunday, September 27, 2015 (2015-OSW-1)

This year the tournament will be held on Sunday, September 27, 2015 at Lakeview Country Club in Auburn, New York. 
The dinner will be hosted by Auburn Lodge #474. It is a Captain and Crew format with a 12:30 shotgun start, cost is $280 for a 4 person team, including skins. 

There are prizes for men and mixed teams plus other games on the course. All lodges have entry blanks and forms for hole sponsors, which are $25. 

The last couple of years we have had to turn teams away, so get you entry blank in soon. 

Entries and hole sponsors close September 18. 
Bill Reedy Sr., PDDGER                 Jack Smith, PER & Kate Smith 
Dave Longley, PDDGER                 Jay Mason, PER

(Submitted by D. Longley, BPOE No. 271) 1 pt.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ontario District (Syracuse, NY) Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room at the Syracuse Airport (2015-SYR-11)

Members of 4 of the NYSEA Districts met on, August 4, 2015 to tour the Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room at the Syracuse Airport for the purpose of learning more about the facility and to make our District donations to help assist the great work they do in supporting our Military personnel and their families while traveling to and from the Greater Syracuse, N.Y. area. 

Each of the Districts involved; Central District, North Central District, Ontario District and South Central District, all made a donation of $500.00 to the facility for a grand total of $2,000.00. 
This facility is operated and funded entirely by donations from various agencies, individuals and companies around the local Central New York area to provide a welcome respite to any and all Military personnel in transit along with their families, as they travel through the area. It is designed to offer a place where they can be comfortable while awaiting transportation.

It is staffed by volunteers who assist the recipients and family members with any help they may need and to provide both refreshments and activities to ease the various shortcomings associated with traveling. There are quiet rooms where they can be away from the hectic activity of the airport, comfort areas where they can relax and use TV and or video games, a fully stocked snack bar with microwaveable foods and snacks along with drinks. There are personal hygiene items available for distribution if needed and friendly staff members who all go out of their way to ensure that our valuable Military members and families are treated to comfort and relaxation. 
The Greater Central New York District Elks are proud and honored to be a part of this outstanding effort to assist in the betterment of the experiences given to our Military Heroes and their loved ones in this most worthy of ventures and will continue to support this facility in the future. 

  Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room at the Syracuse NY airport

Left to Right:  Mike Emmerich ST Utica #33 Central Dist; Herb Flint Johnson City #2821 NYS Chm Veterans Svce, South Central Dist; Dan Capella PSP,Oswego #271, Ontario Dist; Mark Schwarz Volunteer, Pat Lyons Volunteer, Tim Kelly PSP Watertown #496, North Central Dist; Sheila O'Connor PDDGER Syracuse #31 and Kevin Merriam PST Syracuse #31 Ontario Dist.

Pat Lyons Volunteer, Tim Kelly PSP, North Central Dist, Mark Schwarz Volunteer
Pat Lyons Volunteer, Mike Emmerich ST Chm, Central Dist, Mark Schwarz Volunteer

 Pat Lyons Volunteer, Herb Flint NYSEA Veterans Chm, South Central Dist, April Schad Volunteer
Randi Matousek Volunteer, Kevin Merriam PST, Ontario Dist, April Schad Volunteer, Sheila O'Connor Syracuse #31 PDDGER

(Submitted by Kevin Merriam PST, BPOE No. 31, August 4, 2015) 11 pts.

BPOE No. 2367 (Camillus, NY) Save The Date Murder Mystery Dinner (2015-CAM-1)

Camillus Lodge No. 2367 Fundraiser for Bill Reedy Jr's Campaign for State President will be held on Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 7PM 
It will be a murder mystery dinner and promises to be a great fun evening. 
Please inform your Members as well as friends and family to save the date. 
Tickets will be available shortly. 
The price will be $20.00 and will include the Murder Mystery as well as an Italian Buffet to include draft beer and soda. 

More information and advertising to follow in the coming months. 

Irene Pashley, PDDGER

(Submitted by Irene Pashley, BPOE No. 2367, August 12, 2015) 1 pt.

July 2015